Saturday, September 3, 2011

Scuba -do-be-do

The first challenge is to get on the suit with the complete set of gadgets.

First impression: gosh, its so heavy.
Secong thought: how far am I carrying it (to reach the beach)?
Third reaction: CooooooLD!!!
Fourth sway: it's so difficult to STABILIZE myself and establish BALANCE.
Fifth result: I finally manage to perform beginner's SCUBA.
Sixth problem: my ascend create unpleasant air pressure in my ears.
Seventh response: I feel more comfortable in controlling the buoyance and staying STABLE.
Last dilemma: XXXX, I felt like carrying an elephant back to the surface.

It was an expereince very different from my other adventures.
Leaving out the carrying part of the tank and etc., it is actually FUN!

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