Monday, November 24, 2008

Morning View

In a morning time,
while Sun is still snoring in his bed...
Snow Angels fall from the sky;
changing the world I am living
with a touch of WHITE.
Covering the dark and dirty aspects with purity and innocence...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Picture Me

Where am I looking?

It seems like I am taking a picture of you...
But as I am looking at it now...
It appears to me as if I am taking my own memory.

I had taken a lot of shots. I might not remember the specific details of all the pictures, but there are photos that are definitely special and significant to me...

These pictures have captions, motions, sounds and emotions.

What I saw, heard and felt
I try to save them with personal touch.
I processed them first with my heart before storing them in my brain...